what i’ve learned in this hockey life with abby grimaldi

Abby Grimaldi, wife of Rocco Grimaldi, who plays for the Nashville Predators in the NHL, is a hockey wife and Christian based musician from Grand Forks, North Dakota. Abby is an amazing human and this episode will inspire you all.

In this episode, we chat about:

Moving and starting over and Abby’s outlook on fresh starts

Growing up in a traditional home and never moving around to transitioning to the lack of stability that hockey brings

Going from being a super busy person to struggling with depression once that stopped and hockey life started. 

The sense of fulfillment that’s affected once you stop working

What Abby’s experience has been like living in different places away from her core people

Taking hard times and turning them into life lessons

Abby’s career as a musician and how she leaned into her passion


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