we’re all in this together with megan McIlvane

Megan McIlvane, wife of Matt McIlvane, who is the head coach for the San Diego Gulls, joins me on the pod today for a much anticipated coach's wife episode!


In this episode we talk about SO much but to name a few: 

  • Leaving her passion and career to move to Europe with her now husband

  • Her take on whether coach's wives and player's wives should be friends

  • The time commitment of a coach's wife

  • A positive perspective on schedule of a hockey player

  • The grey area of what the code is for including coach's wives

  • How she would handle an iffy situation if one came about

AND BEYOND MORE! This conversation was so much fun to have and I hope you all enjoy!


Megan sits on the board of directors for a non-profit called Megan's Mission, named after an unbelievable girl who fought childhood cancer fearlessly. They are 100% volunteer based and have raised over 2 million for more up to date treatments and cures for childhood cancers. The hockey community is so great and any support would be greatly appreciated! Click here! www.instagram.com/megansmission

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