Retirement + Mental Health with Suz Lundeen

Suz Lundeen, girlfriend of Joe Howe, who is currently the assistant coach at Yale but played his last professional season with the Orlando Solar Bears in the ECHL, shares all about their journey through retirement.


Suz + Joe were both hockey players, who retired at the same time, and faced all the challenges that came with this, together. In this episode we talk about:


  • The frustration element that can lead a lot of players into retirement 

  • Struggling with high functioning depression

  • Seeking help for the mental health issues and how they overcame this transition together as a couple

  • Tangible tools they learned from therapy

  • Leaning on community

  • Retirement gifts

and so much more!


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Other Episodes on Retirement:

Knowing When It's Time to Hang Them Up with Sarah Whitmore

Retirement and Life After Hockey with Stefanie Heid

Having a Game Plan for Retirement with Andrea Hanson

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